The Sagamore Pendry Hotel

Baltimore, MD
This is a substantial rehabilitation of the Fell's Point Recreation Pier into a luxury hotel with a full-service restaurant, bar, and event space.
  • $50.6 million
  • $14.2 Federal Historic Tax Credit equity
  • Sagamore Development, LLC
NTCIC Contact:
Margaret Whitesides
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This 1914 building, originally constructed as a commercial pier, has been transformed into a historic luxury-hotel that includes 128 rooms; a full-service American cuisine restaurant and bar; a whiskey bar and lounge; 8,000 square-feet of meeting space; a 230-seat ballroom; and an outdoor pool terrace overlooking Baltimore’s inner harbor.

The rehabilitation of the Rec Pier into a full service hotel will restore the vacant property as an economic engine for the surrounding community.  The hotel itself will generate over 200 jobs and is expected to spur additional investment in the Fells Point neighborhood.