Goat Island Solar Installation

Burrillville, RI
  • $6.9 Million
  • $2.0 Million Federal ITCs
  • 3.3
  • 1
  • Nautilus Solar
NTCIC Contact:
Karin Berry kberry@ntcic.com
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The Goat Island installation is 3.3 MW DC solar field located in Burrillville, Rhode Island developed by Nautilus, a nationally recognized solar developer in business for more than 10 years, with 125+ MW of solar installations in operation. The project will produce clean, renewable solar energy for residential customers across the state and is estimated to produce approximately 4,512,000 kWh during the first year of operation based on long term resource data and average precipitation for the region.

The renewable energy created by this solar installation:

  • Creates enough electricity to take nearly 550 homes off the grid for the next 25 years
  • Is the equivalent of burning over 3.4 million pounds of coal
  • Sequesters the same amount of carbon from the atmosphere as 3,700 acres of forest
  • Offsets the CO2 emissions generated from consuming 360,000 gallons of gasoline annually