Women’s History Month is the perfect opportunity to celebrate significant women throughout history and today. This March, NTCIC wants to specifically highlight its own women leaders who are leaving a lasting impact on historic preservation and sustainability.
Meet Amanda Bloomberg, Senior Acquisitions Manager, who has been with NTCIC since 2017. As Senior Acquisitions Manager, Amanda is responsible for identifying, structuring, and preliminary underwriting prospective federal/state HTC and NMTC investments. Amanda earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Finance and Real Estate from the University of Northern Iowa and a Master of Science Degree in Real Estate and Infrastructure from Johns Hopkins University.
We spoke with Amanda about her career path, the tax credit industry, and the ever-elusive work-life balance.
Susan Doyle: What did you want to be (when you grew up) when you were a kid?
Amanda Bloomberg: Like many kids, being a teacher was at the top of my list! But by high school, I gravitated toward accounting – partially because my aunt was in that field and I liked math. That said, after my first undergraduate accounting class, I decided to veer towards a finance and real estate double major. That change was perfect for my interests then and now!
Susan: What advice do you have for women entering (or wanting to enter) the industry?
Amanda: Do it! Take chances. Ask questions. Make an effort to get outside of your comfort zone. Get involved in different professional organizations, like the Urban Land Institute and Women in Tax Credit . Join your state preservation group to make additional connections. Definitely attend industry conferences if the opportunity arises. They are a great way to meet a lot of different people in the industry. Also, I highly recommend the Novogradac working groups.
I feel lucky to call many people in my professional network friends now.
Susan: What’s the best career advice you’ve received over the years?
Amanda: It’s ok to make mistakes but don’t make the same mistake twice. We are human, and mistakes happen – that’s how we learn and grow. If you don’t understand something, ask questions until you understand so you don’t make the same mistake again. Everyone, including your future self, will thank you later.
Susan: What drew you to this industry?
Amanda: To be honest, I remember interviewing for an internship as an undergrad, and of the eight or so different real estate positions being offered, the tax credits group was at the bottom for me, mostly because tax credits seemed so foreign at the time. I couldn’t be more thankful for how it all worked out. Being a part of the community development field has made for a very rewarding and fulfilling career.
Susan: What’s your favorite aspect of your job (and/or NTCIC’s work)?
Amanda: The people AND projects we get to be a part of. Every project we work on is impactful in some way, shape, or form, whether it’s a homeless shelter that has obvious impacts or a previously vacant building-turned-luxury hotel that is now bringing life and jobs to its surrounding community. I’m in awe of developers who have the vision to completely redevelop historic buildings and communities.
Since our focus is Women’s History Month, it seems appropriate to talk about one of my favorite projects – the CARITAS Center in Richmond, VA. This project was the adaptive reuse of a historic tobacco factory that honestly couldn’t have been more perfect for CARITAS. The organization had historically focused on providing services for homelessness and addiction recovery for men. With its new center, CARITAS was able to expand its programming to provide services and housing specifically for women in need.
Susan: How do you achieve work/life balance? What do you like to do outside of work?
Amanda: I’ll be the first to admit that I struggle with work/life balance. I’m open to all the secrets as I’m in a season of life when there are times that my family takes priority (hello, sick kids!), and there are instances when work deadlines must be prioritized. Seasons change, and I know it won’t be like this forever.
I read something recently that suggested people aim for work/life integration vs. balance. I found that interesting because I think the pandemic taught us all that we have to be flexible. Fortunately, my colleagues have or are going through similar seasons in life and understand. I am very grateful that I have flexibility! My time outside of work is mostly consumed by two little and very energetic boys – they are a lot of fun.