NTCIC was a proud sponsor of the Cleveland Restoration Society’s 2017 Community Luncheon as their highest level Platinum sponsor. Over the past 45 years, this annual event brings together the historic preservation community from Northeast Ohio and beyond to share in the exchange of expertise and ideas. At this year’s event, Dr. Lauri Rush, a cultural historian with the US Army, was honored as the Keynote speaker. In her address, she spoke about the importance of protecting world heritage in war zones during our current time.
NTCIC President, Merrill Hoopengardner, also offered remarks in the program, updating luncheon guests of the public policy climate on Capitol Hill as it relates to the Historic and New Markets Tax Credits and encouraging HTC advocacy on the local and federal level.
The Cleveland Restoration Society endeavors to protect and preserve cultural heritage in Greater Cleveland. NTCIC applauds CRS and their work in preserving and celebrating Cleveland’s heritage, from its impressive architectural landmarks to their diverse neighborhoods.
NTCIC’s Platinum Sponsor Ad featured in luncheon program