On October 2nd, The National Park Service released its anticipated Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC) for FY 2018.
With research performed by Rutgers University, Center for Urban Policy Research, some of the highlights of the report include:
FY 2018 highlights
- 51% of HTC projects in FY 2018 were located in low- and moderate-income census tracks and 75% of HTC projects were located in economically distressed areas.
- 46% of all projects in FY 2018 were under $1 million
- 25% of all projects were in towns of less than 50,000 in population
- 15% of all projects were in towns less than 25,000 in population
Program highlights
Since the HTC’s inception, more than 40 years ago, over 44,000 HTC projects have:
- Leveraged $162 billion in private investment
- Generated almost 2.7 million jobs
- Utilized $30.8 billion federal Historic Tax Credits to generate $35.9 billion in federal tax revenue
For questions or assistance related to HTC advocacy please contact: