Talking Points, Outreach Guides, and Resources for HTC-GO Advocacy
Now more than ever, advocates need your support to urge members of Congress to Cosponsor the Historic Tax Credit Growth & Opportunity Act (HTC-GO). To help, we have put together a collection of resources, outreach guides, and talking points to help you take action for the HTC-GO and help make this bill a reality.
History of the Historic Tax Credit
The federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC) is a critical community development tool used to encourage investment in the rehabilitation of historic buildings nationwide. Since the program’s establishment in 1976, the HTC has leveraged nearly $235 billion in private investment to preserve more than 49,000 historic properties and support more than 3.2 million jobs.
Unfortunately, the value of the HTC has diminished over the past decade because of IRS rulings, administrative burdens, and other legislative changes. In an effort to expand and enhance this critical community development program, Congress introduced the Historic Tax Credit Growth & Opportunity Act (HTC-GO). It includes provisions that would encourage more building reuse and redevelopment nationwide and would be particularly impactful for small, midsize, and rural communities.
Learn About the Historic Tax Credit, Advocacy Efforts, and the HTC-GO
Take Action for the HTC-GO
- Search for local and political events or join a local political party’s email list to learn about events your members of Congress might be attending.
- Connect with NTCIC for assistance in obtaining the contact information of the scheduling office for your members of Congress.
- Invite your Representative to tour successful Historic Tax Credit-supported projects.
- Request cosponsorship through the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s E-Advocacy Tool.
- Utilize the suggested talking points below for your conversations with your members of Congress.
HTC-GO Talking Points & Advocacy Requests
- The number of historic preservation projects has significantly decreased over the past several years – by as much as 20%.
- In addition to skyrocketing costs of materials and labor and rising interest rates, the Historic Tax Credit – our country’s most powerful tool for preservation has lost power and value.
- Historic Tax Credits have lost value over the past ten years due to IRS revenue procedures and other recent federal policies.
- Pricing of the credits has dropped 20-25% over the last ten years.
- “Now is the time to strengthen the Historic Tax Credit to address the slowdown and challenges in rehabilitation projects across the country.”
- The HTC has not been positively modernized since 1986. In light of other federal investment tax credits being significantly enhanced recently, it is important to improve this incentive.
- “Would you please cosponsor House Bill H.R. 1785/Senate Bill S. 639 – The Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act (HTC-GO) and work to include these provisions in year-end legislation?”
- The Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act (HTC-GO H.R. 1785/S. 639) would bring more value to the credit, make more historic buildings eligible to use the HTC, further incentivize smaller projects and nonprofit projects, and make the credit easier to use.