As Congress prepares for the 2024 elections and a major tax policy overhaul in 2025, the urgency to address expiring tax provisions from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act increases. Despite delays, the upcoming legislative session will be crucial for major tax decisions affecting individuals and corporations.
The Historic Tax Credit (HTC) is vital for revitalizing historic properties and preserving our heritage. However, its use has declined by over 20 percent compared to pre-pandemic levels. It’s crucial to emphasize the HTC’s positive impact on communities and push for improvements.
Support the Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act (H.R. 1785 / S.639) to enhance the HTC, ensuring its effectiveness and reversing the decline in use. Strengthening the HTC will promote economic growth and preserve historic landmarks for future generations. Join us in advocating for this vital legislation to secure the future of historic preservation in America.
We need you to contact your Senators to support the Historic Tax Credit enhancement provisions included in the infrastructure legislation. Click below to send an automated email to your Senator and help us preserve more and preserve better!